• Grandmaster
• Keyframe
• Michaux
• Nostra
• Paraiso
• Petit Frère
• Ready
Test fonts
Legal terms
Plain Form is an independent typographic practice. We focus on expressive letterforms, meant to be seen as much as to be read.
Plain Text 1, a publication for exploratory type design
From Another Mother
‘Immediate Surroundings’ t-shirt
.txt 3[Michaux]
‘After Michaux’ Type Specimen
Snow Diamonds
’Scripted’ cap
One drop at a time
BET Awards 2019[Grandmaster]
’Expressive Typefaces’ t-shirt
Flipper's Roller Boogie Palace
Mitski, album cover [Ready]
Atypical gathering
Of radishes and generic maintenance
‘In the Dirt’ exhibition[Paraiso]
Tossing lanterns
London Fashion Week 2019[Nostra]
’Sponsors’ t-shirt
A kilo of lead and a kilo of feathers
‘Graphisme en France’ 2020[Grandmaster]
Yves Tumor @ The Play Circle[Nostra]
Rolling Stone Italia[Grandmaster]
Synesthésie ¬ MMAINTENANT
Freestyle over a regular beat